درباره ما
محسن تقوی ـ سردبیر
در هفت سالگی با خرید اطلاعات کودکان که هر دوشنبه منتشر می شد، به بهای پنج ریال، با گنج زرین دربسته ای به نام مجله آشنا شدم. اول از همه داستانهای شاهنامه را می خواندم. روزی که سهراب تهمتن را با بازوان ستبرش بلند کرد و پشتش به خاک مالید و بر سینه اش نشست ـ جوان رعنای تهمینه نمی دانست که آن یل ایران زمین پدرش رستم دستان است. خوب به یاد دارم: در کمرکش کوچه مدرسه پارس ایستادم، آفتاب نیمروز از آسمان آبی تهران می تابید. داستان در نقطه اوج تراژدی قطع شده بود: ادامه در شماره بعد. تا دوشنبه بعد طولانی ترین هفته عمرم بود…
سالها به سرعت رخش گذشت. ۱۹۷۸. دان تاون لس آنجلس. دانشگاه یو اِس سی با صدها دانشجوی ایرانی. اخبار و شایعات از اتفاقات ایران … تشکیل انجمن دانشجویان ایرانی. جلسات عصر جمعه در استیودنت یونیون…
از من خواسته شد آغاز هر جلسه گزیده ای از اخبار ایران را در پنج دقیقه نقل کنم. ساعتی پیش از هر جلسه در کتابخانه مرکزی روزنامه ها را در جستجوی آنچه به ایران مربوط می شد ورق می زدم: لس آنجلس تایمز، واشنگتن پست، کریستین سایِنس مانیتور. و مجلات: تایم و نیوزویک. نت برداری. اولین تجربه روزنامه نگاری که همچنان ادامه یافت. در روزنامه های ایران: اطلاعات، اخبار، همشهری… و در ماهنامه ها و هفته نامه ها … و ترجمه کتاب: «روزنامه نگاری در عصر الکترونیک» نوشته دکتر مارتین گیبسون از روزنامه بوستون گلاب و استاد دانشگاه بوستون. ترجمه را به پدرم تقدیم کردم … شیرین سخن بود.
آگوست ۱۹۹۷. مهاجرت به کانادا در قالب برنامه نیروی کار ماهر، مهارت: روزنامه نگاری .
و سه سال کار در نشریات فارسی تورنتو … اکتبر ۲۰۰۰. راه اندازی هفته نامه سلام تورنتو که ۹۶۳ شماره بدون وقفه منتشر شد … و از مارچ ۲۰۲۰، به دنبال تعطیلی های کووید ۱۹، وقفه در چاپ کاغذی … و ادامه کار خبر در مدارهای آنلاین به مرکزیت سلام تورنتو آنلاین SalamToronto.Ca

First printed in October 2000, Salam Toronto™ (Farsi: سلام تورنتو) is the first Farsi-English bilingual weekly publications based in the Greater Toronto Area. Over the past two decades, Salam Toronto™ has evolved from a weekly publication to a multi-platform news and media organization, becoming a household name in the Iranian Canadian community at large. And at the same time to present the Iranian, ancient, classical and contemporary colorful cultural heritage. Salam Toronto’s main approach has always been to promote the Canadian way of life as well as optimism, acceptance, compromise, cooperation, civil responsibility, and respect. Along this journey, Salam Toronto™ has won many awards and accolades for the role it has played in keeping its readers, most of whom are Canadians of Iranian background, informed and up to date, as well as its comprehensive and balanced approach and coverage.
Here at Salam Toronto, our team works around the clock, to bring our readers the most up to date, well resourced, accurate and factual news and information. Our mission is to help our readers/patrons navigate their community, city, country, and the world.
Salam Toronto readers are as varied, colorful, and spirited as Canada as well as Farsi speaking communities, including Canadians of Iranian, Afghan, Tajik, Turkmen, and … descents. They are highly successful business owners, students, lawyers, academics, doctors, homemakers, as well as social and political leaders.
By providing an up to the minute relevant news and coverage SalamToronto.ca™ is read by thousands, from the Greater Toronto Area, the great province of Ontario, across our beautiful Canada, to our beloved Iran and the rest of the world, every day; and we are working to expand that reach by improving our digital products and our presence across multiple social media platforms. To date, SalamToronto.ca has seen more than 20 million views from different parts of Canada, as well as other parts of the world, providing domestic and international exposure for its patrons when they advertise with us.
Across the world, newspaper and magazine publishers are being more creative than ever to adapt to the challenges and opportunities presented by digital transformation and economic shifts. Here at Salam Toronto Media, while we strongly hold on to our core values and our professional work ethics, and while not casting aside our print tradition entirely, we too are making the necessary shifts to bring the benefits of the digitized – and green – world to our readers and advertisers.

For our Readers
In every domain, be it health, education, travel, leisure, or work, we’re all dependent on our handheld devices. It is impossible to imagine even a single day without some form of digital connectivity. Salam Toronto’s digital strategy would benefit our readers by providing easy instantaneous access that is portable and convenient. These days our reading habits involve extensive use of online information, and Salam Toronto Online makes it simpler to save and share your favorite articles and information. Sitting at the comforts of your home you can instantly access multiple issues, the article of your choice and navigate the different sections of the magazine such as the jobs and for rent and sale sections much easier.
Furthermore, when you follow our Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, Twitter and subscribe to our daily Newsletter you will now see that our digital presence gives us the ability to provide coverage in different mediums, accompanying our articles with videos, photos as well as useful links to help you get the full picture of the everyday events.
For our Advertisers
Salam Toronto Online provides a multi-channel digital platform for creating content rich advertisement, guaranteed to be more appealing than a simple image. You would be advertising using a medium that is easy to track, flexible and sharable. By offering a multitude of digital advertisement opportunities, Salam Toronto Online can create instant and interactive access with a simple click, taking one directly to the product, service, or website of your choice; essentially bringing the reader right to your doorstep.
As we expand our social media presence you can also be sure that your advertisement with Salam Toronto Online with thousands of views every day, will get you much more exposure, directing traffic back to your business’s website and social media channels.